AGAIN!!! R. D.
Thurman writes in Gospel Minutes Sept. 27, 02: “Some folk, faced with the
conditions as they are in the world today, are led to believe that
‘Christianity has failed.’ Even among
those who are supposed to be Christians, many are ready to give up on ‘the law
of the Spirit of life’ (Romans 8:2) as a world-changing movement, claiming that
the gospel will just not fit the complex issues of our society today.”
“planted.” Apollos “watered.” But it was
God Himself who gave the increase. 1
Corinthians 3:6. Both planting preachers
and watering preachers are required. But
no human effort can substitute for God who makes the plant grow. God Himself is always on His Throne.
Lord’s church has existed since Pentecost in Acts chapter 2. But over the centuries there have been times
of revival and renewal, movements, brotherhoods, and difficulties - all within
the Lord’s church. Note the “church of God ”
at Corinth
struggled with many things.
Lord’s church is indestructible!!! Even
the gates of hell cannot prevail against her!!!
Yet individual churches are only one generation away from extinction,
and a local church may lose her candlestick [Revelation 2:5].
Church is continually in need of "times of refreshing from the
Lord." Satan does his worst to
discourage us and to send us down "blind alleys" to turn our
attention away from Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Note Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:10-31. We need revival and renewal to fill our
hearts with the love of Christ [Romans 5:5].
This gives us hope, and hope is the anchor of the soul! Peter proclaimed: "Repent therefore and
be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing
may come from the presence of the Lord."
[Acts 3:19 NKJV]
We in America look back to three times of revival
which have had particular importance to the Churches of Christ in America .
1. "The
Great Kentucky Revival" which took place around 1801. Barton W. Stone said this was the Holy Spirit
stirring up things [John 16:7-15], convicting and convincing. This revival at Cane Ridge was a milestone.
French & Indian War had ravaged and desolated the morality of our
Nation. It was said that the nation had
become a nation of drunkards. Crime was
rampant. Religion was at a low ebb. When a time of revival broke out in Logan County , Kentucky , Stone went to
see for himself. He came back with new
hope and strength. He prayed, along with
others, and revival came to Cane Ridge.
In that time of difficult and almost impossible travel, thousands came
to join in, some from 100 miles away.
Perhaps twenty thousand came. It
was a new day! Later Campbell and Walter
Scott and others joined in. Jesus was
preached and thousands across the land "obeyed the gospel."
2. "The
War Between The States."
Another time of revival took place around the time of the Civil
War. The War produced great upheaval and
dislocation and suffering. But Dr. J. H.
Darst wrote in a history of the "restoration" in Virginia, "Ante-Bellum
Disciples": "Between the
surrender in April, and November 1865, Chester Bullard baptized 500 persons in
southwest Virginia, and about the same number of converts were secured in
eastern Virginia: approximately a 10% increase in the State membership during
the first seven months of peace."
The War produced strains on the "restoration" that later
produced division. But for a time Jesus
was preached and many across the land "obeyed the gospel."
3. "World
War II." The Great Depression
had come to an end. Many were snatched
up and taken overseas to fight. It was a
time of great turmoil and dislocation.
But many came to realize there was a World out there which could be won
to Christ! Returning soldiers brought
with them great excitement and this filled the Churches of Christ! Success became the goal! Much outreach was done to bring people to
Christ Jesus and to get them to "obey the gospel." Many benevolent works were done; helping
those in other countries who were starving; and also proclaiming Christ
Crucified and Risen! Much the same
things were done here in our own country.
We saw a time of tremendous growth!
But the
devil does his worst. Whenever revival
comes, the devil works to oppose it. He
tries to convince good people that the revival is sinful and that these things
are of the devil. Note how the Pharisees
spoke of Jesus in Matthew 12:24. Jesus
said they were in danger of the unpardonable sin, verse 32. But it is the Lord who opens doors that no
one can shut (Revelation 3:7-8). In
opposing “revival” we could be opposing God (Acts 5:38-39).
honest and sincere brethren will differ over what to them is a matter of
"The Faith." Note Romans
14. We are to welcome all the Lord's
followers - even those whose faith is weak, as Paul says. We are not to spend our time arguing with
them over their concerns. We are to love
them and help them. Yet of course our own freedom is not limited by what others
think (1 Corinthians 10:23-29).
In the
50's brethren began debating brethren over certain "issues" that were
being raised. Some began to "choose
up sides" and withdraw themselves from those they labeled as
"unfaithful." There would
perhaps be two struggling churches now, where one strong church existed before;
sometimes three or more struggling churches.
The Churches of Christ are effectively split into five distinct groups
who have little or no contact with each other.
Note the list of distinctives in Mac Lynn's Directory: “Churches of
Christ in the United States .”
But the
past is no more. There are times of
Revival in our past, but we must move boldly ahead as good stewards of our
"revival heritage." Jesus is
Lord and we must be faithful to Him! We
must speak out and encourage new revival simply because the Word of God on
these matters is true. Out of our deep
love for God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit, we must strive to make our faith and
love be real, honest, genuine and sincere!
We lift up our voices to God and ask for fresh strength!!!
wrote: "A revival is not just a season for spiritual fun and games. No, revival is a divine corrective that is
designed to get the church back on a course that is biblically normal." We
look back to see the church as it was in the New Testament. We also reach forward to the responsibility
of sowing the same good seed from the Bible.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever! We must exalt and glorify JESUS CHRIST and
lead people to love and obey HIM!!!
[Read John 3:10-21.]