Wednesday, May 25, 2016


     Unity should always be on the minds of New Testament Christians.  Jesus prayed: "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.”  John 17:20-21
     We go back in time to interview Barton W. Stone about his thoughts on unity.  This interview exists only in the mind of the writer.  We have updated the language at times to make this to be more easily understood. 
     Christian Ledger.  Brother Stone, we understand that unity was of great concern to you.  You wrote about this and we want to compare notes with you.
     Barton W. Stone.  Yes.  We must work together to promote the Cause of Christ Jesus.  Too often the church has worked at cross purposes.  When Islam was in progress, those who considered themselves to be Christians fought each other rather than promoting the Plan of Christ.  The devil wishes to turn our attention away from the Gospel.
     CL.  You put into print some things about unity.  You said some try to build “Book unity.”  What did you mean?
     BSBook union.  By this I meant creeds written by men, and also the unwritten creeds some follow.  Creeds are meant to be a pattern of faith and were intended to be helpful in standing for Truth.  But they become tests of fellowship.  Thus they tend to divide rather than unite.  A “tribe” of Christians may unite around a “creed” but shut out all those who see things differently.  And then the Holy Meal is closed off from deserving brothers & sisters.  When Thomas Campbell invited all to join in the Holy Communion, he was censured by the church leaders.
     CL.  Today we practice “open communion” where the bread and cup are passed through the congregation.  Each one is allowed to judge for himself and so eat the bread and drink the cup.  But we do follow an unwritten creed in church matters while strongly denying that we do so.
     BS.  We have been too long engaged with defending ourselves, rather than the truth as it is in Jesus.   But we use the slogan:  No Creed But Christ.  Yet some twist Christ into an unrecognizable form.  As did Nicodemus, we tend to confuse flesh and Spirit (John 3:3-5).
     CL.  You spoke of “Head unity.”  How do you understand that?
     BS.  I meant how we understand the Bible.  Alexander Campbell said he approached the Bible each day as thought he had never seen it before.  But this is impossible since we have the gift of memory.  We must struggle to give the Bible a fair hearing.  Campbell thought language was the barrier and issued a new version, “The Living Oracles.”  But each one believes his opinion of certain texts to be the very spirit and meaning of the texts - and that this opinion was absolutely necessary to salvation.  [Compare Romans 14:1-6.]  One said in frustration that the New Testament is the Book we divide over.  Yet certainly God did intend us to understand and so we compare Scripture with Scripture and read the context with care to gain understanding.  And we pray that the Holy Spirit of Christ will open our minds and guide us.  He leads us into the Truth.
     CL.  You spoke of “Water Unity.”  We put great emphasis on water baptism and that this is baptism into Christ Jesus.  Certainly we read Paul in Romans about being baptized into Christ’s death.  All who have been baptized into Christ are one in Christ.  Yet of course some say that unless one is baptized by someone who has the proper credentials the baptism is not valid.  As time passes each one may examine himself to the validity of his/her baptism.
     BSWater union is defined to be a union founded on Christian baptism - immersion into water (as we practice it).  But fact proves that this union is easily dissolved, and that immersion will not keep those who are immersed, united.  How vain are all human attempts to unite a bundle of twigs together, so as to make them grow together and bear fruit! They must first be united with the living stock, and receive its sap and spirit, before they can ever be united with each other. So must we be first united with Christ, and receive His Spirit, before we can ever be in spirit united with one another. The members of the body cannot live unless by union with the head—nor can the members of the church be united, unless first united with Christ, the living Head.  His Spirit is the bond of union.  Men have devised many plans to unite Christians - all are vain. There is but one effectual plan, which is, that all be united with Christ and walk in Him.
     CL.  So you said that true unity is to be found in “Fire Unity.”  How do you see this? 
      BS.  I am thinking of what happened at the Cane Ridge Revival.  The results prove that this was an act of God.  At the Cane Ridge Revival, people came expecting a three day Gospel Meeting climaxing on Sunday with the Lord's Supper.  In preparation the preaching was:  REPENT!  AVOID HELL!  JESUS DIED FOR YOU!  GOD WILL FORGIVE YOUR SINS!  TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!  And many did obey with weeping and howling as James wrote.  Lives were changed!  The Gospel of God’s Act In Christ to save the world echoed across the Nation!  We were shocked by some things that happened.  But as Jesus said: “Believe the works that I do.”  The works showed God’s Hand.
      Fire union.  This is the only way to be faithful to Scripture. "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit" (1 Cor 12:13).  The Spirit of God welds us into Unity.  The church I read about in the New Testament had a “charismatic dimension.”  Paul wrote Timothy that God wants all men to be saved.  Perhaps not all will answer God’s call – but all shall be taught by God (John 6:5).
      CL.  So you see Unity coming through the presence of the Holy Spirit of God.  A “fire union” through the Holy Fire of the Holy Spirit.  The church will be united because of the presence of the Holy Spirit of Christ.
      BS.  Exactly so.  Paul wrote: "Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:3).   The Greek can be translated: "Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives by means of the peace that binds you together."  The Holy Spirit unites us.  We have been too long engaged with defending ourselves, rather than the Truth as it is in Jesus.  Let us trust our little selves with the Lord; and rest not, till by faith in the promised Spirit and by incessant prayer we receive and be filled with it, like they were of old in the Ancient Order of things.” 

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